
Verrazzano includes Thanos, an open source CNCF-projet that provides the following features:

  • Global Query across multiple clusters
  • Cheap, long time metrics storage using Object Storage
  • Downsampling and compaction
  • A Prometheus-compatible API

Configuring Thanos

Configure the following parameters to use Thanos:

prometheus            = true

prometheus_operator   = true

thanos = {
  bucket           = "vzthanos"
  bucket_namespace = "<replace-me>" 
  enabled          = "true"
  integration      = "sidecar"
  storage_gateway  = "true"

When the above is configured, they will be generated and added to the Custom Resource of each Verrazzano instance.

Configuring OCI Authentication

User principal

  1. For each cluster, use the following to configure your user principal authentication for Thanos:
type: OCI
  provider: "raw"
  bucket: "thanos"
  compartment_ocid: "ocid1.compartment.oc1....."
  region: "us-ashburn-1"
  tenancy_ocid: "ocid1.tenancy.oc1....."
  user_ocid: "ocid1.user.oc1....."
  fingerprint: "12:d3:4c:..."
  privatekey: |
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  1. Save the file as storage.yaml


If you are using multiple clusters and your clusters are in different regions, ensure:

  1. each cluster has its own storage configuration
  2. you replace the region value in the region parameter above

Instance principal


Create the secret

Before enabling Thanos, ensure the following secret is created:

kubectl create namespace verrazzano-monitoring
kubectl create secret generic objstore-config -n verrazzano-monitoring --from-file=objstore.yml=storage.yaml

You can now enable Thanos.