Single Development Cluster

Single Cluster

Create the OKE cluster

  1. Copy terraform.tfvars.example to terraform.tfvars
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
  1. Provide values for the following input variables:
    • api_fingerprint
    • api_private_key_path
    • tenancy_id
    • user_id
    • compartment_id
    • ssh_public_key_path
    • ssh_private_key_path
  2. Set your tenancy's home region using home_region e.g.
home_region = "us-ashburn-1"
  1. Configure the cluster's provider in
  providers = {
    oci      = # replace with the desired region's name
    oci.home = oci.home
  1. Configure the cluster's parameters:
admin_region = {
  admin_name = "admin"
  region     = "Sydney" # must match the provider's region in step 4
  vcn_cidr   = ""
  pods       = ""
  services   = ""
  1. Configure the following input variables:
get_kubeconfigs = false
install_verrazzano = false


When provisioning the cluster, the above 2 variables must set to false.

  1. Create the cluster by running Terraform:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
  1. After Terraform has finished the apply operation, it will output a convenient SSH command you can copy. This command will allow you to ssh to the operator host.

Generate Verrazzano Installation scripts

You will now generate the installation script.

  1. Configure the following input variables:
get_kubeconfigs = true
install_verrazzano = true
  1. If you want to configure additional Verrazzano components, you can still do so now.

  2. Configure the Verrazzano profile:

verrazzano_profile = "dev"
  1. If you need to use your own DNS, you need to configure DNS before you run Terraform and the installation scripts. Else, the installation scripts will use

  2. Run Terraform again:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply


Running terraform apply again will configure access to the cluster, give it a friendly name and upload the installation script to the operator host.

Run Verrazzano Installation scripts

You will now install Verrazzano in your cluster.


  1. These steps are to be run manually today. We will automate them in the future.
  2. The scripts are to be run from the operator host.
  1. ssh to the operator host by copying the convenient SSH command.

  2. Install the Verrazzano Platform Operator

cd /home/opc/vz/operator
  1. Check if the operator has installed sucessfully:
  1. If you are using your own DNS domain, obtain the yaml for DNS and create a secret:
cd /home/opc/vz/oci
echo >> oci.yaml

  1. If you are using Thanos, configure your secret for OCI Object Storage now.
cd /home/opc/vz/clusters
  1. Edit thanos_admin_storage.yaml file and enter the following parameters:
  • compartment_ocid
  • region
  • tenancy_ocid
  • user_ocid
  • fingerprint
  • and the private key
  1. Create the secret:

kubectl create namespace verrazzano-monitoring
kubectl create secret generic objstore-config -n verrazzano-monitoring --from-file=objstore.yml=thanos_admin_storage.yaml
  1. Install Verrazzano:
cd /home/opc/vz/clusters
  1. Wait for Verrazzano to be installed: