Terraform Options


api_fingerprintFingerprint of the API private key to use with OCI API.string""
api_private_key_pathThe path to the OCI API private key.string""
home_regionThe tenancy's home region.string""
tenancy_idThe tenancy id of the OCI Cloud Account in which to create the resources.string""
user_idThe id of the user that terraform will use to create the resources.string""

General OCI Parameters

compartment_idThe compartment id where to create all resources.string""
label_prefixA string that will be prepended to all resources.string""

SSH keys

ssh_private_key_pathThe path to ssh private key.string"none"
ssh_public_key_pathThe path to ssh public key.string"none"


cidrsA map of cidrs for vcns, pods and services for each regionmap(any)
connectivity_modeWhether to keep set up connectivity in mesh or star mode. Admin is always connected to everybodystringstar

Kubernetes Clusters

admin_regionThe region parameters of the Admin cluster. In case a single cluster is created, the Admin region is used for the single cluster.map(any)
kubernetes_versionThe version of Kubernetes to use.stringv1.24.1
oke_control_planeWhether to keep all OKE control planes public or privatepublic/privatepublic
cni_typeWhether to use flannel or NPNflannel/npnflannel
managed_clustersA map of OCI regions where managed clusters will be createdmap(bool)
nodepoolsNode pool specification for all clustersmap(bool)
cloudinit_nodepool_commonPath to custom cloud init file for OKE workner nodesstring


get_kubeconfigsWhether to set up access to the clusters. Set to false on cluster creation.boolfalse
install_verrazzanoWhether ready to install Verrazzano. Set to false on cluster creationstringfalse
verrazzano_versionVerrazzano version to install1.
verrazzano_profileVerrazzano profile to installdev/proddev
verrazzano_control_planeWhether to keep all Verrazzano control planes public or privatepublic/privatepublic
verrazzano_data_planeWhether to keep all Verrazzano data planes public or privatepublic/privatepublic
verrazzano_load_balancerOCI Load Balancer Shapemap(string)

Verrazzano Components

argocdWhether to install ArgoCDbooltrue
coherenceWhether to install Coherence Operatorboolfalse
configure_dnsWhether to configure DNS. If not configured, nip.io will be usedboolfalse
consoleWhether to install Verrazzano consoleboolfalse
fluentdWhether to install fluentdbooltrue
grafanaWhether to install Grafanabooltrue
jaegerWhether to install Jaegerbooltrue
kialiWhether to install Kialibooltrue
kube_state_metricsWhether to capture Kube State Metricsboolfalse
opensearchWhether to install OpenSearchbooltrue
opensearch_dashboardsWhether to install OpenSearch Dashboardsbooltrue
prometheusWhether to create an instance of Prometheusbooltrue
prometheus_operatorWhether to install the Prometheus Operatorbooltrue
rancherWhether to install Rancherbooltrue
thanosWhether to enable Thanosmap (string)
veleroWhether to install Veleroboolfalse
weblogic_operatorWhether to install WebLogic Operatorboolfalse


dns_compartment_idDNS Zone's Compartment idstring
dns_zone_idDNS Zone OCID in OCI DNSstring
dns_zone_nameDNS Zone Namestring
dns_secret_idOCID of OCI secret to be used for OCI DNS authentication.string

Service mesh

mesh_idThe name of the mesh to usestring