
The bastion instance provides a public SSH entrypoint into the VCN from which resources in private subnets may be accessed - recommended to limit public IP usage and exposure.

The bastion host parameters concern: 0. whether you want to enable the bastion 0. from where you can access the bastion 0. the different parameters about the bastion host e.g. shape, image id etc.


The OS image for the created bastion instance.

Recommended: Oracle Autonomous Linux 8.x

Example usage

create_bastion              = true           # *true/false
bastion_allowed_cidrs       = []             # e.g. [""] to allow traffic from all sources
bastion_availability_domain = null           # Defaults to first available
bastion_image_id            = null           # Ignored when bastion_image_type = "platform"
bastion_image_os            = "Oracle Linux" # Ignored when bastion_image_type = "custom"
bastion_image_os_version    = "8"            # Ignored when bastion_image_type = "custom"
bastion_image_type          = "platform"     # platform/custom
bastion_nsg_ids             = []             # Combined with created NSG when enabled in var.nsgs
bastion_public_ip           = null           # Ignored when create_bastion = true
bastion_type                = "public"       # *public/private
bastion_upgrade             = false          # true/*false
bastion_user                = "opc"

bastion_shape = {
  shape            = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex",
  ocpus            = 1,
  memory           = 4,
  boot_volume_size = 50