Workers / Mode: Cluster Network

Deploy to Oracle Cloud

A self-managed HPC Cluster Network.

Configured with mode = "cluster-network" on a worker_pools entry, or with worker_pool_mode = "cluster-network" to use as the default for all pools unless otherwise specified.

The following resources may be created depending on provided configuration:


worker_pools = {
  oke-vm-standard = {
    description      = "Managed node pool for operational workloads without GPU toleration"
    mode             = "node-pool",
    size             = 1,
    shape            = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex",
    ocpus            = 2,
    memory           = 16,
    boot_volume_size = 50,

  oke-bm-gpu-rdma = {
    description   = "Self-managed nodes in a Cluster Network with RDMA networking",
    mode          = "cluster-network",
    size          = 1,
    shape         = "BM.GPU.B4.8",
    placement_ads = [1],
    image_id      = "ocid1.image..."
    cloud_init = [
        content = <<-EOT
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        echo "Pool-specific cloud_init using shell script"
    secondary_vnics = {
      "vnic-display-name" = {
        nic_index = 1,
        subnet_id = "ocid1.subnet..."

Instance agent configuration:

worker_pools = {
  oke-instance = {
    agent_config = {
      are_all_plugins_disabled = false,
      is_management_disabled   = false,
      is_monitoring_disabled   = false,
      plugins_config = {
        "Bastion"                             = "DISABLED",
        "Block Volume Management"             = "DISABLED",
        "Compute HPC RDMA Authentication"     = "DISABLED",
        "Compute HPC RDMA Auto-Configuration" = "DISABLED",
        "Compute Instance Monitoring"         = "ENABLED",
        "Compute Instance Run Command"        = "ENABLED",
        "Compute RDMA GPU Monitoring"         = "DISABLED",
        "Custom Logs Monitoring"              = "ENABLED",
        "Management Agent"                    = "ENABLED",
        "Oracle Autonomous Linux"             = "DISABLED",
        "OS Management Service Agent"         = "DISABLED",
