Extensions: Standalone Cluster Autoscaler

Deployed using the cluster-autoscaler Helm chart with configuration from the worker_pools variable.

The module is using the oke.oraclecloud.com/cluster_autoscaler nodepool label to facilitate the understanding of how the Kubernetes cluster auto-scaler will interact with the node:

  • allowed - cluster-autoscaler deployment will be allowed to run on the nodes with this label
  • managed - cluster-autoscaler is managing this node (may terminate it if required)
  • disabled - cluster-autoscaler will not run nor manage the node.

The following parameters may be added on each pool definition to enable management or scheduling of the cluster autoscaler:

  • allow_autoscaler: Enable scheduling of the cluster autoscaler deployment on a pool by adding a node label matching the deployment's nodeSelector (oke.oraclecloud.com/cluster_autoscaler: allowed), and an OCI defined tag for use with IAM tag-based policies granting access to the instances (${var.tag_namespace}.cluster_autoscaler: allowed).
  • autoscale: Enable cluster autoscaler management of the pool by appending --nodes <nodepool-ocid> argument to the CMD of the cluster-autoscaler container. Nodes part of these nodepools will have the label oke.oraclecloud.com/cluster_autoscaler: managed and an OCI defined tag ${var.tag_namespace}.cluster_autoscaler: managed.
  • min_size: Define the minimum scale of a pool managed by the cluster autoscaler. Defaults to size when not provided.
  • max_size: Define the maximum scale of a pool managed by the cluster autoscaler. Defaults to size when not provided.

The cluster-autoscaler will manage the size of the nodepools with the attribute autoscale = true. To avoid the conflict between the actual size of a nodepool and the size defined in the terraform configuration files, you can add the ignore_initial_pool_size = true attribute to the nodepool definition in the worker_pools variable. This parameter will allow terraform to ignore the drift of the size parameter for the specific nodepool.

This setting is strongly recommended for nodepools configured with autoscale = true.


worker_pools = {
  np-autoscaled = {
    description              = "Node pool managed by cluster autoscaler",
    size                     = 2,
    min_size                 = 1,
    max_size                 = 3,
    autoscale                = true,
    ignore_initial_pool_size = true # allows nodepool size drift
  np-autoscaler = {
    description      = "Node pool with cluster autoscaler scheduling allowed",
    size             = 1,
    allow_autoscaler = true,

For existing deployments is necessary to use the terraform state mv command.

Example for nodepool resource:

$ terraform plan
Terraform will perform the following actions:
  # module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_containerengine_node_pool.tfscaled_workers["np-autoscaled"] will be destroyed

  # module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_containerengine_node_pool.autoscaled_workers["np-autoscaled"] will be created

$ terraform state mv module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_containerengine_node_pool.tfscaled_workers[\"np-autoscaled\"]  module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_containerengine_node_pool.autoscaled_workers[\"np-autoscaled\"]

Successfully moved 1 object(s).

$ terraform plan
No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.

Example for instance_pool resource:

$ terraform state mv module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_core_instance_pool.tfscaled_workers[\"np-autoscaled\"] module.oke.module.workers[0].oci_core_instance_pool.autoscaled_workers[\"np-autoscaled\"]

Successfully moved 1 object(s).


Don't set allow_autoscaler and autoscale to true on the same pool. This will cause the cluster autoscaler pod to be unschedulable as the oke.oraclecloud.com/cluster_autoscaler: managed node label will override the oke.oraclecloud.com/cluster_autoscaler: allowed node label specified by the cluster autoscaler nodeSelector pod attribute.


cluster_autoscaler_install           = true
cluster_autoscaler_namespace         = "kube-system"
cluster_autoscaler_helm_version      = "9.24.0"
cluster_autoscaler_helm_values       = {}
cluster_autoscaler_helm_values_files = []
# Example worker pool configurations with cluster autoscaler

worker_pools = {
  np-autoscaled = {
    description              = "Node pool managed by cluster autoscaler",
    size                     = 2,
    min_size                 = 1,
    max_size                 = 3,
    autoscale                = true,
    ignore_initial_pool_size = true
  np-autoscaler = {
    description      = "Node pool with cluster autoscaler scheduling allowed",
    size             = 1,
    allow_autoscaler = true,
