Optional creation of VCN subnets, Network Security Groups, NSG Rules, and more.
Create Minimal Network Resources
TODO: ../../../examples/network/
# All configuration for network sub-module w/ defaults
# Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)
assign_dns = true # *true/false
create_vcn = true # *true/false
local_peering_gateways = {}
lockdown_default_seclist = true # *true/false
vcn_id = null # Ignored if create_vcn = true
vcn_cidrs = [""] # Ignored if create_vcn = false
vcn_dns_label = "oke" # Ignored if create_vcn = false
vcn_name = "oke" # Ignored if create_vcn = false
Create Common Network Resources
# All configuration for network sub-module w/ defaults
# Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)
assign_dns = true # *true/false
create_vcn = true # *true/false
local_peering_gateways = {}
lockdown_default_seclist = true # *true/false
vcn_id = null # Ignored if create_vcn = true
vcn_cidrs = [""] # Ignored if create_vcn = false
vcn_dns_label = "oke" # Ignored if create_vcn = false
vcn_name = "oke" # Ignored if create_vcn = false
# Subnets
subnets = {
bastion = { newbits = 13 }
operator = { newbits = 13 }
cp = { newbits = 13 }
int_lb = { newbits = 11 }
pub_lb = { newbits = 11 }
workers = { newbits = 2 }
pods = { newbits = 2 }
# Security
allow_node_port_access = true # *true/false
allow_pod_internet_access = true # *true/false
allow_worker_internet_access = false # true/*false
allow_worker_ssh_access = false # true/*false
control_plane_allowed_cidrs = [""] # e.g. ""
control_plane_nsg_ids = [] # Additional NSGs combined with created
control_plane_type = "public" # public/*private
enable_waf = false # true/*false
load_balancers = "both" # public/private/*both
preferred_load_balancer = "public" # public/*private
worker_nsg_ids = [] # Additional NSGs combined with created
worker_type = "private" # public/*private
# See
# Protocols: All = "all"; ICMP = 1; TCP = 6; UDP = 17
# Source/destination type: NSG ID: "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"; CIDR range: "CIDR_BLOCK"
allow_rules_internal_lb = {
# "Allow TCP ingress to internal load balancers for port 8080 from VCN" : {
# protocol = 6, port = 8080, source = "", source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK",
# },
allow_rules_public_lb = {
# "Allow TCP ingress to public load balancers for SSL traffic from anywhere" : {
# protocol = 6, port = 443, source = "", source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK",
# },
# "Allow UDP egress to workers port range 50000-52767 from Public LBs" : {
# protocol = 17, destination_port_min = 50000, destination_port_max=52767, destination = "workers", destination_type = "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"
# },
allow_rules_workers = {
# "Allow TCP ingress to workers for port 8080 from VCN" : {
# protocol = 6, port = 8080, source = "", source_type = "CIDR_BLOCK",
# },
# "Allow UDP ingress to workers for port range 50000-52767 from Public LBs" : {
# protocol = 17, destination_port_min = 50000, destination_port_max=52767, source = "pub_lb", source_type = "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"
# },
# "Allow TCP ingress to workers for port range 8888-8888 from existing NSG" : {
# protocol = 6, destination_port_min = 8888, destination_port_max=8888, source = "", source_type = "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"
# },
# Dynamic routing gateway (DRG)
create_drg = false # true/*false
drg_display_name = "drg"
drg_id = null
# Routing
ig_route_table_id = null # Optional ID of existing internet gateway route table
internet_gateway_route_rules = [
# {
# destination = "" # Route Rule Destination CIDR
# destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK" # only CIDR_BLOCK is supported at the moment
# network_entity_id = "drg" # for internet_gateway_route_rules input variable, you can use special strings "drg", "internet_gateway" or pass a valid OCID using string or any Named Values
# description = "Terraformed - User added Routing Rule: To drg provided to this module. drg_id, if available, is automatically retrieved with keyword drg"
# },
nat_gateway_public_ip_id = "none"
nat_route_table_id = null # Optional ID of existing NAT gateway route table
nat_gateway_route_rules = [
# {
# destination = "" # Route Rule Destination CIDR
# destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK" # only CIDR_BLOCK is supported at the moment
# network_entity_id = "drg" # for nat_gateway_route_rules input variable, you can use special strings "drg", "nat_gateway" or pass a valid OCID using string or any Named Values
# description = "Terraformed - User added Routing Rule: To drg provided to this module. drg_id, if available, is automatically retrieved with keyword drg"
# },